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Sporting Program
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Swimming Lessons
Swimming Lessons are offered for students in Years 1 -6 (and Prep in Term 4).
Students in Years 1-5 have lessons for a 5 day block in Term 1 and Term 4.
Year 6 students will engage in a Water Polo lesson instead, as we have found that students are competent swimmers at this stage and appreciate the alternative activity as they enter the upper years of primary schooling
Lessons are conducted at the Yeronga Swimming Pool by trained coaches.
Children are transported to the pool by bus.
Swimming lessons at the hottest times of the day is unavoidable and children are encouraged to wear sunscreen and sun safe swimwear. Lessons times are usually the same time each year so that children will not have a lesson at midday, year after year.
Children must have a swimming cap and wear footwear to and from the pool.
The cost of lessons and transport is covered in the school fees.
Sports Carnivals: Swimming
The Years 4-6 swimming carnival is held in Term 1. We aim to hold this carnival prior to Catholic Schools Carnival so that children’s times can be used to determine nominations.
The Years P-3 swimming carnival is held in Term 4.
Junior school swimming carnival are usually held at the pool at Yerong Swimming Pool after their lesson.
Senior school swimming carnival are usually held at the Griffith University Swimming Pool.
The Catholic Schools Swimming Carnival is held at Chandler in Term 1. Children selected are those with the best times in their age level in various strokes. This carnival involves children from Years 4-7 (and students in Year 3 who meet the age group).
An Inter School Swimming Carnival is held for schools in our Cluster Area.
Our Cluster Area comprises Catholic Schools at Annerley, Dutton Park, Moorooka, Salisbury and Yeronga.
This carnival is for students in Years 4-6.
It is usually held in either Term 1 or Term 4.
All children are encouraged to ‘have a go’.
Trophies are given at this event.
Children are transported to the Intra School Carnival and Catholic Schools Swimming Carnival by bus. Parents are required to write a note to the class teacher if their child does not need to return to school by bus.
A District Swimming Carnival is usually held at the beginning of Term 1. Only children with ‘very’ good times qualify for this carnival. Because the number of children involved is usually very small, parents are required to provide transportation and supervision at this event.
Sports Carnivals: Athletics
The Years 3-6 Athletics Carnival is held in Term 3.
It usually takes place at the Gregory Terrace Playing Fields at Tennyson.
Children are transported to the Athletics Carnival by bus. Parents are required to write a note to the class teacher if their child does not need to return to school by bus.
Students in The Early Years (P-2) have a Sports Day at the end of Term 3. This is less competitive than the carnival for our older students and is regarded as ‘a fun day’ where participation is emphasised over competition.
The P-2 Fun Day usually takes place at Shaftesbury Park.
Children walk to the park and are accompanied by teachers and parent helpers.
Sports Carnivals: Cross Country
A Cross Country for children in Years 3-6 takes place in Term 2.
This is held at Shaftesbury Park and the length of the laps varies according to year level.
This event commences as soon as we have marched the troops to the park and is usually over before the commencement of 1st Break.
All children are encouraged to ‘have a go’.
A Fun Run is held for children in P-2. This is a modified version of the Cross Country that is held for our older students.
Our Year 6 leaders assist at this event.
An Inter School Cross Country is held for schools in our Cluster Area.
Our Cluster Area comprises Catholic Schools at Annerley, Dutton Park, Moorooka, Salisbury and Yeronga.
This carnival is for students in Years 4-6 and is held at Yeronga Park.
All children are encouraged to ‘have a go’.
Trophies are given at this event.
Sports Carnivals: Gala Fun Day
Children in Years 4-6 usually participate in a Gala Fun Day in Term 3.
Schools participating in this event are those in our Cluster Area: Annerley, Dutton Park, Moorooka, Salisbury and Yeronga.
Qualified Sports Coaches assist with this event. Sports vary each year.
The Fun Day usually takes place at the Gregory Terrace Playing Fields at Tennyson.
Children are transported by bus. Usually one year level participates and then the other year levels follow in turn.
Other Inter School Sport
In Term 2, students in Years 5-6 usually have the option of competing in a netball, touch football, AFL or football competitions. Costs involved are covered in the School Fees.
It is possible that interschool sport will be arranged during Term 4. Much depends on the location of the fixtures (a teacher must be present at each venue), access to buses, and the ability to engage all students.